I have heard so may horror stories about German food. Even the German lady who took my ‘inter-cultural’ session told me so. But I would have to say it has not been too disappointing. No, not that you can have it every day, but it is not as bad as they make it sound to be. Anyway the whole point of this post is not about German food, but something
Germany is a land known for castles. But I have not really been to any of them. As you can see I am not really into this castle and palace stuff. However many people have told me Neuschwanstein was different. So I decided what the heck, lets visit it! [](http://img144.imageshack.us/my.php?image=neu025km3.jpg) The touring
This was a trip ‘planned’ right from the day I reached Europe. You will see soon why the word is quoted ;) [](http://img150.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p9290024ly7.jpg) The trip iternary in short was to drive to Frankfurt-Hahn from Stuttgart, then take a flight to Stockholm-Skavsta, drive around Sweden-Norway and back to Skavsta, take the flight back
[](http://img212.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p9150027pd5.jpg) I had gone for a trip to Bonn last weekend with Ginu and Sandeep to meet the latter’s cousin. The main purpose was not to see the city, but anyway we roamed around the place – the old capital of West Germany. It was a bit surprising, the city
[](http://img511.imageshack.us/my.php?image=sal068hl3.jpg) Finally I got a chance to take on the autobahns of Germany. And it was a lot of fun! With a bit of coaxing Mathewji, finally agreed to trust me on my driving and we set off in a rented Toyota Avensis. It didn’t start off too well,
My hair grew too long. Yeah that sort of thing happens in life. But the bad part is hair cuts in Germany are billed in Euros – to be precise 15 euros + 2 euros tip to the barber. Now lets refresh some high school mathematics: 17 Euro = 17 * 57 = 969 Indian Rupees. Hair cuts in India are billed in Rupees – to be precise 20 Rs. + 0 Rs tip to the barber.
This time the trip was to Venice – the queen of the Adriatic, a romantic city of canals, gondolas and paper-masks. [](http://img178.imageshack.us/my.php?image=ven033iq0.jpg) We took a bus from Stuttgart on Friday evening and reached there Saturday morning. After a bit of freshening up at the *Tronchetto* car park where the bus ends, we headed
Rheinfalls is a small attraction in Switzerland just a stone’s throw across the border from Germany (literally). We could travel there by train taking just the Baden-Württemberg state ticket and the journey took just two and a half hours from Plochingen. My first time out of Germany also meant it was the first time I had to take my passport out after the airport checks. But all was smooth
[](https://mail.google.com/mail/help/gmail_video.html) The things the folks at Google come up with! Simple but excellent idea. Their aim is to make a collaborative video about how a “GMail” gets delivered! It is simple.. All you need to do is print out a GMail envelope, create a 10-sec video in which it enters
It was a dream come true for me. Ever since I started watching Formula One, since around 10 years ago, I had always wanted to be there.. to watch and hear the power of those machines, and finally I did that.. and wow! It was an amazing experience. [](http://img518.imageshack.us/my.php?image=f003mx3.jpg) 9 of us