So its February, the time of the year when you look back at those delightful ambitious resolutions you make in January… and as usual find them all broken. To refresh your memories, my resolutions were not to get angry, not to complain and to update this site often. So far this year I have gotten angry more than once already, started complaining right from week one and you definitely know
One of the most beautiful places I have seen is a paradise called Munnar. So, when some of my friends suggested that we go for a trip to the place, I was more than happy to YES. I had been there just once before but I had already fallen in love with it, at first sight. [ So here are my resolutions for 2006. 1. Don’t get angry 2. Complain less 3. Update this site, regularly All three are seemingly difficult.. but hey,
This is a really awesome game. One of the best I have seen online. I managed to reach level 12 level 24. I hear there are 33. :)
Looking back, 2005 wasn’t that bad a year for me. It started off pretty well with Dishaa and I had a lot of fun before and during the event. But only two weeks later, a major social disaster followed. That had a big impact on how I viewed things for the rest of the year I guess and had the potential to ruin my whole year. It was downtime
I am someone who always loved to travel. Despite this, till not so long ago, I never had many chances to fulfill this desire. But once in college I was lucky enough to get a group of friends who were as interested in exploring new lands as I was, if not more. Over the past year and a half we have made some memorable trips. We have not travelled far
Read the Intro first :) It was sometime in July last year. So this one day we had a shortened college day for some reason. Someone suggested we go somewhere. Subhash I think, came up with the idea of a very little known beach called Aazhimala. Our first of those several “dynamic” plans began there. 6 of us squeezed ourselves in my car and 4 more followed in two mobikes. Driving
Let me introduce to you, a little known (probably even unheard of) language called Euphoria. It is a flexible and powerful language that is surprisingly easy to learn and claimed to be simpler than BASIC and more powerful than C. Well that’s something to live up to! Euphoria is a relatively new language developed by Robert Craig in the early 90’s. It was probably envisaged as a cheaper
My semester exams are going on now and I have been (supposedly) spending most of my time studying for it. Not really studying, its more like mugging up. That makes me wonder how good an evaluation system our B.Tech examinations are. From what I know, an engineer must be someone who applies his knowledge to engineer some ingenious things. Does that mean he needs to remember every theory in