Once again, when life seemed to get monotonous, we as usual decided to pack our bags for possibly (hopefully not) our last trip together. The destinations we chose this time were Ooty and Nelliampathy. [](http://img451.imageshack.us/my.php?image=mettu.jpg) We set off on a Friday night, just prior to our last week in college, on a Toyota
Here ends four years of my college life. From today no more classes to attend. And pretty soon I will cease to be called 'the college guy'. Four years! I seem to remember my first day like it happened yesterday. The mixed emotions of excitement, fear and happiness of entering into a new world, all still so vivid. And now when everything seemed so settled, its time to go. College
Why I do not know. But me and my friends never miss a bad movie to hit town. Hindi, Malayalam, English … we have seen the worst of it all. And with each passing day we get to see a new movie that sets a new benchmark! The latest one was the Malayalam flick “Rashtram”, on which we unfortunately wasted 30 bucks. I still don’t get what the hell those
A photo I took yesterday, at Kovalam. The effect of the sea looked awesome. _(http://www.flickr.com/photos/rustyshack/116598236/)
Some snaps of Holi celebrations @ college. Holi is not really celebrated here in the south, but which idiot will waste a chance to paint your friends red, yellow, violet and what not! Hehe. We did have a great time, as is very evident from these pics. [](http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=pic-2.jpg) [ This is about a novel, in which God calls on a cell phone, a Maruthi 800 (with AC) beats a Lexus, the Microsoft Word easter-egg saves the world and which ends with a Bollywood style car chase and group photo scene. Could all that make a good novel? Well, it does my friend. It does! “one night @ the call center”
A few days ago while I was driving through the city, I gave a foreigner a lift. The first thing he said was “You are a lucky guy. What a beautiful city you live in!” I was a bit surprised to hear that. That’s because somehow most of the people around me, have some sort of complaint about the city. Some even go to the extent of describing it
Ever wondered where you stand in your political opinions? Here’s is an easy but quite accurate way to find out. Have a look at http://www.theadvocates.org/quiz.html. It told me that I had a left-liberal attitude, which is what I think I really am. So where do you figure in the political map? Tell me :)
I stumbled upon this ‘desi’ version of Summer of 69 by Anthragni. Heard it on a promo video for Manipal University. Very touching song… maybe because its my last month in college, but it did strike a note somewhere in me :) . Must listen to this. You can get the song from CoolToad – http://as01.cooltoad.com/music/song.php?id=213127 By the way, I did not upload this song
 *India* and *winter* are not two words that really go together. Add Olympics to that, it becomes even more bizarre. While going through The Hindu today, I read that India is participating in this years winter Olympics! Big surprise! What’s more, India had been represented in the last two Olympics too. Guess by how many athletes?