A good informal interview with one of my favourite journalist and author, Sir Mark Tully. Watch it on ndtv.com. I am currently reading one of his books – India in Slow Motion. Highly recommended reading! Maybe I will post a review in a few days too :)
Oberstdorf is a skiing and hiking resort right at the edge of the southern German border. It was all a quick plan to visit this place and do some trekking since we didn’t have much else to do last weekend. But it was well worth it. [](http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=obd018fg0.jpg) We left early morning
The rules of Germany. Well it does get some “getting used” to. From applying for a residence permit to driving on the roads to walking on the streets for everything there is a system. And for an outsider it seems like fitting a round object in a hole meant for something square. I dipped my toes into this strange world before even leaving the shores of India. They need a
The story of my first trip in Germany, to the beautiful Black Forest.. Schwarzwald! We began from Stuttgart early in the morning. The train journey was a bit long, but fun since I was able to catch up with my friend Anu after a long time. Chit-chatted for long and surprisingly didn’t want the train journey to end! Our first destination was Freiburg, the biggest town in Black Forest.
Yup, that’s the name of the town that I’ll be calling ‘home’ for the next 6 months. One week over, and I am already liking this calm, quiet, sleepy town :) First impressions? “Pünktlich” – The punctuality of Germans is amazing. If it says that a bus comes at 11:59, it will reach sharp at 11:59, not 1 minute late. They never have their timings rounded off to
Saturday morning. My friend and I were determined to see a movie. No tickets for anything else, so we decided to see ‘Sunshine‘. Had no idea what it was all about. Had never heard of this one before. But we badly wanted to see a movie, any movie. Before it began, I was expecting some sort of a romantic comedy, judging from the name. But the first frame told me,
Rusty’s back. Rusty’s now @ Rusty.in :) Its been nearly a year since something moved here! Lot of things happened, lots of things changed (see, even the URL to my blog!). So, what happened in the past 11 months? In a nutshell.. Shifted from Trivandrum to Bangalore, working for Bosch, still single (I know, pathetic!), found some new friends, still have those old buddies (and still go for those
Yesterday was officially the longest day in the year… but that was not what made it special for me. Yesterday was my last official act in college, my last exam. The day I bid goodbye to some of my best friends from college… Also the day in which we had our high school re-union… where too I said bye to some of my buddies. We might never see again (I
[  ](http://www.flickr.com/photos/rustyshack/167669552/) The newest kitten-in-the-block. It’s called “Poocha-kutty”, which means kitten in Malayalam. How imaginative, eh? ;) Fun watching this little thing wander around, with no worries, no life-changing decisions to make, hehe. Lucky brat!
After all the hype and controversies the film finally released yesterday in Trivandrum and I was there to see it first day first show. And… hmm, the book was better! To make it clear, I wasn’t a huge fan of the book either. Thought it was a fairly good novel, but not as good as it was made out to be. Just too much hype! So all in all,