[](http://img212.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p9150027pd5.jpg) I had gone for a trip to Bonn last weekend with Ginu and Sandeep to meet the latter’s cousin. The main purpose was not to see the city, but anyway we roamed around the place – the old capital of West Germany. It was a bit surprising, the city was too small to be a capital of any country! But small does not ever mean bad. It is a pretty little city by the river Rhine and the ‘Friezeit Park’ was quite nice.
After the initial roaming Sandeep’s cousin, Soumya chechi agreed with us to make chicken, even though she didn’t know heads and tails of how to make it. So I decided to take the lead. Yeah, it was an risky experiment with just 3 months of cooking experience but I decided to give it a try. With all the resources obtained we started out joined by Saumya chechi’s brazilian roommate Maria. She said she will make us a nice Brazilian Omlette while I tried my luck with the chicken. It wasn’t the best of conditions, but anyways it did turn out good., atleast better than what I expected ;) and I even got a compliment in Brazilian Portuguese for my cooking.. who would have thought!! [](http://img339.imageshack.us/my.php?image=september184re0.jpg) The recipe is simple – (ok, most of this is copyrighted by Mathew who is the total inspiration behind my cooking): Take chicken, marinate it with curd and masala (any variety you could get) for a while. Grill the chicken for about 20 minutes. After that fry some onions till golden brown, add some tomatoes, salt, pepper, chilli powder, masal till cooked. Then add the grilled chicken and cook for about 15 minutes. There you have it, the delicious Chicken Bonn is ready! Serve Hot!! :D
Sunday we bid goodbye to our excellent hostesses and headed towards Koeln (Cologne). This was my second visit there and since it was mostly unplanned we had the option of just walking around. It was really good. This city is truly nice. I had always thought of coming to Cologne again and exploring it properly, but even this time we didnt have the time to do it. So by afternoon, we took the train back to Stuttgart. A nice short inexpensive trip and fun too, thanks to the Chicken Bonn!